Sunday, September 25, 2016


It is amazing how words of wisdom spoken early in childhood can impact your life years later. My paternal grandmother came to the United States with her family from Germany when she was four years old. She married another German immigrant and they raised ten children. They farmed and my grandfather was a cobbler. He died when I was two years old, but grandma lived until I was sixteen. Shortly before she dies she attended my sixteenth birthday party. During the party I was excited because I was able to start working. My older siblings were telling me that once I started working I would no longer be excited. Grandmother stated that you should always have a job that makes you happy. If you are not happy in your work you are not happy in the rest of your life.

When I first started my career as a social worker I was happy in my work. But through the years there have been so many cut backs and rule changes that is has no longer been fun. I started considering other things I could do for a living. My mother mentioned to me that I loved working with children and with food. I should look into catering children’s events. She added that this was something grandma would have approved of. I began looking into catering in our area and found that there was a need. I thought I could have a general business and advertise that I specialize in kids birthday parties.

I got a break the first week I opened. Friends of mine were having a sweet sixteen birthday bash for their only daughter. They have a big yard that lead to a nice swimming area on the lake. Her birthday was in the summer but she did not want anything barbequed. They hired me to cater the party, I think mainly because their daughter is so difficult to work with that they did not want to be involved. She met with me and told me what she wanted. I thought it was quite extravagant for a kids birthday party, but the parents gave the go ahead. She wanted shrimp cocktails followed by finger sandwiches and several salads. She also wanted a whip cream cake. The day went very well and all the menu items turned out perfectly, especially the cake. This was a huge break for me because all the other girls in the area wanted me to cater for them. It was not quite the kids birthday parties I had in mind when I started, but they paid very well. Here and there I do younger kids birthday parties, but now that I have been in the business a while I am starting to cater the weddings of the girls whose sixteenth birthday parties I planned years ago. I love the work that is mine to do. I know grandma would be pleased.

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